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Kyle Chitty, Managing Partner

Welcome to Project Lanka, a charitable organization committed to providing clean drinking water to impoverished schools in Sri Lanka, an island in Southeast Asia. We aim to bring access to clean drinking water to schools affected by the country's severe drought seasons and agricultural pollution. Sri Lanka is a country very close to my heart, as my family is originally from there. As a small island, Sri Lanka often goes unnoticed in relief projects, while the people suffer. Project Lanka aims to change that.


To accomplish our goals, we have partnered with Caritas Sri Lanka, a worldwide charity that operates in each of the island's thirteen provinces. This partnership provides us with a direct connection to the local schools that we support, allowing us to oversee each project. All money donated to Project Lanka goes to our clean drinking water projects, and you can check out our updates as the efforts are conducted. Please considering donating - any amount helps greatly!


We are working on our third project in Kurunegala, Sri Lanka, reaching a total of 19 schools and 4458 students to date, and we will continue to provide support to these communities in upcoming months. Going forward, we hope to expand our clean drinking water projects to more schools throughout the Kurunegala district and the rest of Sri Lanka!

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